The changing seasons have an effect on your very being. Here in Plymouth and throughout the South West we can really be affected by wet and wind. Ayurveda can help us live according to who we are.
Rather than adhere to a pattern of behaviour which stays the same. Lifestyle and dietary advice changes depend on the season we are in, and what our physical blueprint is.
First it is good to know your individual constitution, doshas, according to Ayurveda. This can help you understand how to adjust your food intake and lifestyle according to the month of the year.
Once you have revealed your characteristics in terms of Ayurveda, you can assess your body type. The ten different body types are a combination of three energetic qualities known as doshas. So you will be a combination of kapha, pitta and vata doshas.
If your dosha is mainly Vata, then your inherent cold and dryness can be easily aggravated by drop in temperatures and blowing storms of winter. If you stay warm and wrapped up at all times you can mitigate your body going out of balance. Also a regular sleeping pattern is important, as are earthy, warming spices and foods.
A predominance of Pitta suggests that you prefer cooler temperatures, as may tend to overheat often. Therefore winter could be a favourable season for you. It is important though to still keep the body temperature warm for optimum functioning of organs. Be careful not to turn up the heat too much, or stay in overheated environments as this will cause you to overheat. If you find you are getting too hot, take a walk outside or open the window. It is about balance especially when like in UK winter seems to go on forever.
Kapha types suffer alot in the UK winter. The cold, dark and wet can easily tip you out of balance as.soon as the light begins to fade. So, if kapha dosha is a main part of your makeup it is vital for you to stay warm throughout the winter. Take extra warm clothes with you, when you go out.
While these are general suggestions it is of course much better to adopt a specific lifestyle approach. To do this a detailed Ayurvedic consultation would reveal your doshas, and imbalances. You could do this on a website, although automatic Ayurvedic assessments are not that accurate. It is best to see a professional Ayurveda Therapist or